Thursday, 28 March 2013

Evaluation Questionnaire

1.     Who do you think our target audience is?

2.     Are you given a sense of the narrative?

3.     Do you think the film opening is specific to the horror genre? If no, state why. If yes, how?

4.     Anything that you dislike? What?

5.     Do you think that the music is appropriate to the opening?
Some of our feeback

1.      Who do you think our target audience is?

Teenagers, male and female (16 years-24 years)

 2.      Are you given a sense of the narrative?
You are given a vague sense of the narrative, but the vagueness is effective
      3.      Do you think that the film opening is specific to the horror genre? If no, state why. If yes,  how?
      Yes, it is specific to the horror genre as the music increases tension throughout and the setting of the opening is a stereotypical setting for a horror movie-the woods.
     4.      Anything you dislike? What?
     The ominousness of the female character as the audience is not given a sense of her character
    5.      Do you think that the music is appropriate to the opening?
     Yes- the music helps to build tension

Friday, 1 March 2013

Material is appropriate for the target audience and task

They have used titles appropriately according to institutional conventions

They have used sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set

They have shot material appropriate to the task set, including controlled use of the camera, attention of framing, variety of shot distance and close attention to mise-en-scene

They have edited so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions and other effects


(Flick Trick Productions

The cast is aged 16/17 which is appropriate for target audience (16-21) so the audience can relate to the characters

Female audience can especially relate to the girl protagonist who is very isolated in the middle of the field with somebody watching her unknowingly.

At the start of the film opening, the production logo is shown, followed by “Flick Trick production presents”. This needs to be more genre specific (horror).

Also, need to include the director and who it was created by.

String instruments used for the non-diegetic music that is apparent throughout the opening.

Music intensifies and gets gradually louder as the opening progresses.

Layered additional sound

Need to slow the pace of the man’s breathing down to make the opening more sinister

Need to lower the volume of the gate as it is over powering.

Variety of shots displayed: high angle, low angle, close up and extreme shots, long shots and establishing shots and point-of-view shots from protagonist.

Cuts from the girl antagonist in the field to the boy antagonist in the woods with the overlay of the girl’s voice counting.


(Anonymous productions)

Used a character that is relatable to the target audience which is teenagers. Female character is put into a vulnerable position of being alone in the woods and then the dog runs away from her.

It is clear from the beginning that the genre of the film is horror.

No titles- need to have the film opening, director, production company name and logo

Sound of reporter at the beginning is unclear- however, the audience is given an idea of the narrative (detective)

The non-diegetic music used makes the audience feel tense but it could be intensified to build suspense.

Variety of shots used but too many shots looking up to the trees and spinning which creates a distorted view. Audience may interpret this differently to how it is supposed to be received.

The colours of the scenes are effective and represent the genre of the opening clearly (horror).

The ‘gunk’ on the tree which is supposed to represent the remnants of a creature is unclear to the audience.



Character used relates to the target audience ( aged 16-21)

Titles of production company is appropriate to horror

Need to make sure that the colour of the titles need to be the same throughout for continuity.

First sound recording of the prayer is effective and immediately gains the audience’s attention and gives the audience an idea of the narrative.

Music slowly intensifies and gradually gets louder which builds tension for the audience.

Shot of the Virgin Mary could be made longer as it is a key feature of the narrative.

Could cut some shots, for example, the one of the character grabbing her knee as it doesn’t seem to make sense for her character to have neat nails when it is presented that she is going insane. 

The close up shot at the end of the characters eyes could be made shorter


(Zonluar Films)

Appropriate characters used as the target audience of teenagers can easily relate to the characters.

Titles are present. However, the title of the film at the end could come in quicker to make more of an impact on the audience.

The non-diegetic music helps to build tension within the audience

The additional sound effect of the camera taking pictures of the character is effective for the audience and gives them an idea of the narrative

The music could be intensified at specific moments. For example, the shot of the man running past the camera.

There are a variety of shots which follow the conventions of horror. For example, extreme close ups of the characters face to display her emotion to the audience.

The film title at the end could come in sooner.

By Melissa Owen