Friday 1 February 2013

Our Schedule

Week beginning…

What we need to get done…

Monday 7th January

1)      Decide on our location.

2)      Take location pictures and upload them to the blog.

Monday 14th January

1)      Finalise our opening synopsis.

2)       Begin storyboard.

Monday 21st January

1)      Decide on whom to cast for the boy and girl characters.

2)      Finish storyboard

Monday 28th January

1)      Film on Sunday 3rd February.

Monday 4th February

1)      Begin to edit footage together to form our opening.

2)      As we go along make decisions on the background music.

Monday 11th February

1)      Continue editing

2)      Continue adding music


1)      Individually add anything to the blog that we feel needs to be added.

Monday 25th February

1)      Continue editing until it is complete.

Monday 4th March

1)      Burn the opening to disks for each of us to present and hand in.

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