Wednesday 13 February 2013

Recording of the music

                    Recording Our Music 

When the time came to add sound to our movie opening, we began by discussing the kind of sound that would fit well with our piece. Sound is key for building tension, however in our piece our climax is built more from the fast pace of the action, rather than intricate soundtrack. Therefore we decided our sound shouldn't be too complex. I played around with the keyboard settings on Garage Band, this allowed us access to a range of sounds that we could use to create our suitable musical score. Our inspiration had mainly come from musical scores using striking strings such as the theme tunes of 'Psycho' and 'Jaws'. Both pieces of music use single notes at fast tempo's to build tension. Using single, repetitive notes would prove effective in our piece, it wasn't too complex seeing as we were beginners using Garage Band. 

Our particular piece of music consisted of Orchestral Strings, repetitive C note in a low octave, that progressed to a repetitive D. We chose to change the note halfway through so that it wasn't noticeably tedious. We also increased the intensity of the track and layered another string sound when the lead male, discovers the hooded figure, as it is a climatic moment in our film opening. 

Garage Band - The recording process using the keyboard and Orchestral Strings.

By Alexandra Gibson

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