Tuesday 16 April 2013

Evaluation Question 1

How We Challenged/Followed Conventions of Horror 

We found when studying and researching successful horror films, that certain aspects were used to build suspense, including music, antagonists and unnerving locations. As we chose to follow the conventions of horror, we became highly influenced by the films that we studied. For instance the music in Jaws - single tones, sharp notes, the sound of violins, all compiled to create one of the most suspenseful pieces of music in a motion picture. This influence is evident in our original score. Also the  antagonist in Psycho, during the infamous 'Show Scene' is only seen through shadow. In our piece our antagonist is only seen as a black figure, allowing a sense of ambiguity and the unknown, which we believed added to the overall suspense of the piece. Our location of a park or 'A Safe Place' was inspired by horror movies featured in said safe places such as the hotel in 'The Shining' or the homes used in 'Paranormal Activity'.  

By Alexandra Gibson, Emili Hone, Melissa Owen and Harry Crotty

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