Friday 14 December 2012

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock
Sir Alfred Joseph was an English film Director and Producer. He pioneered the many techniques used in thrillers and horrors to this day. He had a successful career in the British Film industry and then moved to Hollywood in 1939. His career spanned over more than half a century. In his time he developed the techniques we see today in all good horrors and thrillers. He pioneered the use of a 
camera made, to move in the way a persons gaze gave might, forcing his audience to engage in a form of "voyeurism". His stories often included fugitives on the run from the law and blonde female characters. Many of Hitchcock's films have twist endings and thrilling plots featuring depictions of violence, murder and crime.
Hitchcock directed more than fifty feature films in a career spanning over six decades. often he was regarded as the greatest British filmmaker, he came first in a 2007 poll of film critiques in Britons Daily Telegraph .

Here are some of Hitchcock's greatest films:
The Birds

Dial M for Murder

Shadow of a Doubt


Strangers on a Train



North by Northwest


Rear Window

By Harry Crotty

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