Wednesday 12 December 2012

National Classification and Censorship of films

Current certificates:

(Universal) Films are suitable for all ages as there is nothing unsuitable for children.
(Parental Guidance) Some scenes may be unsuitable for children. Films May include mild language and sex or drug references.
(Cinema only since 2002) Films under the ‘12A’ category are considered to be unsuitable for very young children. Those aged under 12 must be accompanied by an adult, aged at least 18 years. Films can contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, moderate swear words, infrequent strong language and moderate violence, sex references and nudity.
(Home media since 2002) Nobody younger than 12 can purchase or rent a DVD, Blu-ray disc or game with this certificate. The content is the same as the ‘12A’ rated films.
Nobody younger than 15 can watch a film rated ‘15’ in the cinema unless accompanied by an adult aged at least 15 years. A child that is not 15 years cannot buy or rent a DVD, Blu-ray disc or game with this certificate rating. Films with this rating contain adult themes, hard drugs, frequent strong language, strong violence and strong sex reference.
Only adults allowed to watch a film with this certificate rating in the cinema or purchase/rent on DVD, Blu-ray disc or game. A film rated 18 does not have a limitation on the bad language used. Hard drugs are generally allowed and explicit sex references, as well as detailed sexual activity. Included in a film with the certificate rating of 18 is very strong, gory and or sadistic violence, strong sexual violence is also permitted unless it is excessively graphic.
By Melissa Owen

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