Friday 25 January 2013

Secure and Paranoid Horror

After reading an extract from Steve Neale's 'Genre and Contemporary Hollywood' it has been made clear how through time, horror has developed into two catergories, secure horror and paranoid horror.

He says that horror prior to the 1960's used secure horror because it was scary enough, and from the 70's onwards horror "presumes a world in which the monstrous threat is increasingly beyong control" in order to please an audience whose thirst for the unknown is growing.

He catergories the characteristics of secure horror and paranoid horror in this table:

Secure Horror

Paranoid Horror

Successful human intervention

Failed human intervention

Effective expertise

Ineffective expertise

Authorities as legitimate

Authorities as unreliable

Sustainable order

Escalating disorder

‘external’ threats

‘internal’ threat

Centre-periphery organisation

Victim groups organisation

Defined boundaries

Diffuse boundaries

Closed narratives

Open narratives

 We think this is going to help us to decide what kind of horror we are going to do, and keeping to the characteristics of the horror that we decide.
By Emili Hone

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